Tuesday 13 April 2010

Delicious links 12 Apr 2010

this week in egov: Linked Data API from Sandro Hawke on 2010-04-12 (public-egov-ig@w3.org from April 2010)
come hear @JeniT @der42 talk about linked data api data.gov.uk at the 1st public w3c egov telecon http://bit.ly/9bqky1 (via @sandhawke)
Ed Summers (edsu) http://twitter.com/edsu/statuses/12069038611
Schneier on Security: Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Againt SSL
@thegreatgonzo Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Againt SSL: Says Matt Blaze:

A decade ago, I observed that commercial ce... http://bit.ly/9Epty9
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/12068463770
Google to Open-source VP8 for HTML5 Video
RT @charlesarthur: Linkage: Google to open-source VP8 for HTML5 Video >> newteevee.com http://bit.ly/9LUHVX #fb
@rmy of one or two Geek Girl Warrior Princess
Is @gourou going to have to knit @graphiclunarkid a breastplate? http://bit.ly/cTjahY (Milestone breakfasts will work on filling it out)
panGloss: Life is very strange lately..
pangloss; Why Andrew Orlowsk has really lost the plot : http://blogscript.blogspot.com/2010/04/life-is-very-strange-lately.html
Lilian Edwards (lilianedwards) http://twitter.com/lilianedwards/statuses/12066874792
Chester's Easiest Piano Course Book 1 at Musicroom.com - Tuition Books
@thegreatgonzo either http://bit.ly/bpmQyI or http://bit.ly/cJhgTf > in a previous life i used to sell music books - these both sold well
Emma Cooper (em_cooper) http://twitter.com/em_cooper/statuses/12063813692
@thegreatgonzo either http://bit.ly/bpmQyI or http://bit.ly/cJhgTf gt; in a previous life i used to sell music books - these both sold well
@thegreatgonzo either http://bit.ly/bpmQyI or http://bit.ly/cJhgTf > in a previous life i used to sell music books - these both sold well
Emma Cooper (em_cooper) http://twitter.com/em_cooper/statuses/12063813692
Test Site 2
Opps!! http://tube.tfl.gov.uk/ RT @bensmithuk: Someone at TFL just hit the wrong button... http://post.ly/ZrN1 /via @benjaminellis
Jonathan Hopkins (jopkins) http://twitter.com/jopkins/statuses/12062382146
Transport for London: Giving us LOLZ on the LUL - Hello, I'm Ben.
Opps!! http://tube.tfl.gov.uk/ RT @bensmithuk: Someone at TFL just hit the wrong button... http://post.ly/ZrN1 /via @benjaminellis
Jonathan Hopkins (jopkins) http://twitter.com/jopkins/statuses/12062382146
Party Finance - The Electoral Commission : Regulatory issues : Registers
@timdavies I think the phone number at the bottom of this page http://bit.ly/bWHq3N may be your best bet.
Why Miss Jones : Choir news
@thegreatgonzo Choir news: I've been looking at clips of choirs on YouTube, hunting for videos to put on the websi... http://bit.ly/bni5U1
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/12056674029
Schneier on Security: Makeup to Fool Face Recognition Software
@thegreatgonzo Makeup to Fool Face Recognition Software: An NYU student has been reverse-engineering facial recogn... http://bit.ly/aZN7fv
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/12056673426
BBC - dot.Rory: Informative political sites
@thegreatgonzo Informative political sites: For the third of my reports for the Daily Politics, I've been looking ... http://bit.ly/aVBcTi
TCK GR (tckgr) http://twitter.com/tckgr/statuses/12056672224
Citizens as public sensors - O'Reilly Radar
Citizens as public sensors: @seeclickfix on how crowdsourcing can help local government http://oreil.ly/8XaH7a #gov20 (via @timoreilly)
saulcozens (saulcozens) http://twitter.com/saulcozens/statuses/12049790087
Denying AIDS and other oddities: Another Tragic Case of AIDS Denialism: Kim Bannon
Another interviewee from House of Numbers is dying of AIDS: bravo to the Spectator for promoting it http://dlvr.it/TgdR
ben goldacre (bengoldacre) http://twitter.com/bengoldacre/statuses/12046844020
The Digital Election: A (surreal) song for Vince Cable
The eclipsing of Nick Clegg. Great homage to Vince Cable. Causes trouble for all three leaders: http://bit.ly/9CqCXU
tom_watson (tom_watson) http://twitter.com/tom_watson/statuses/12035696524
10 Simple Google Search Tricks - NYTimes.com
10 Simple Google Search Tricks http://nyti.ms/diswjT
CEO of Great Innovus (dollars5) http://twitter.com/dollars5/statuses/12035002321

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